Client-winning lead generation services for growing B2B companies

You can focus entirely on growing your business while we establish a steady flow of qualified business leads into your pipeline.
Lead research
We will find prospects, validate their data, and enrich existing lists with up-to-date info based on your requirements.
AI email automation
8x your outreach without cold calls or manual outreach. Hypercharge your sales team’s efficiency and fill your pipeline with vetted business leads.
Appointment setting
Increase conversion rates & ROI with specialized SDRs who have practical industry experience in your field.
Linkedin automation
Schedule more appointments by developing your brand and reach your ideal customers directly at scale.
Retargeting strategy
Nurture your outbound leads and schedule more appointments through other relevant platforms like Linkedin, Twitter & Meta.
Fill your pipeline with appointments, or don’t pay us a dime
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Here we grow!

Let’s add your company to our list of growth cases

Get more leads, more appointments, more business

Why choose us as your growth partner?

Our success is tied to yours, with performance-driven partnerships.

Results-based fee structure

Our fees are tied to the success we help you achieve, ensuring you only pay for tangible results.

Completely integrated into your team

We become a natural extension of your team, working alongside you to drive success and achieve shared goals.

Continous A/B testing & Optimization

Constantly improve performance with data-driven insights and optimized testing strategies.


We not only make sure to send personalized emails, we use personalized videos using Sendler AI as a pattern interruptor.

Start getting booked appointments in 2-3 weeks

Schedule a no-commitment call to see if your business could benefit from our result-based services.
Average reply rates
Average open rates
Average return on investment

"Marcus and his team delivered impressive results with their LinkedIn and email automation services. I'm very satisfied and highly recommend their expertise."

Mathis Warg
CEO of Pejd Group, Sendler Ai & Pitchler

“Marcus and his team at Solvify have been great to work with on our outbound communications. They’ve worked within our budget and helped us devise and run the kinds of experiments that are so crucial for us at this early stage.”

Jackie Peters
CEO of Blind Insight

Are you going to be our next success story?

How it works

Shedule a personalized demo with one of our consultants and discover how Solvify Digital can help you reach your sales goals

No-Commitment Call

We explore your needs and share insights...

We begin by hopping on a no-commitment call to understand your business and see if our services are the right fit for you. During this call, we'll dive into your goals and challenges to determine if we can help you achieve your objectives.

Onboarding & Strategy

We lay the groundwork for your success...

Once we've agreed to move forward, we start with an in-depth onboarding process. We'll define your ideal target audience, refine your messaging, and set up the technical infrastructure needed for success, including DNS settings and email warm-ups.

Custom Campaign Setup

Together, we launch your tailored outreach...

With everything in place, we launch your personalized lead generation campaigns. This includes setting up AI-driven email outreach, LinkedIn automation, and retargeting strategies tailored to your specific industry and goals.

Ongoing Optimization

We refine your strategy with real-time insights...

We don’t just set it and forget it. Our team continuously monitors your campaigns, tracking KPIs and conducting A/B testing to ensure your outreach remains effective. Regular updates keep you informed on progress and adjustments.

Step 5

Results & Support

We drive growth while you focus on what matters...

As your campaigns generate results, we schedule quality meetings with prospects primed for conversion. Our work doesn’t stop at lead generation; we provide ongoing support and optimization to keep your pipeline full and your business growing.

Ready to close more deals?

All the A’s for your q’s.

Why work with a lead generation company?

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Working with a lead generation firm can yield substantial advantages. A primary benefit is that it enables businesses to concentrate on their core competency as their lead generation partner takes care of filling up the pipeline.

Additionally, utilizing a lead generation firm may prove more economically efficient over time, considering the the resources and trial & error required to build an proficient inhouse team.

How do you make sure the appointments are qualified?

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Our research team use several tools to verify email addresses, names, positions, and other important data. Prior to the prospect scheduling a call we’re able to survey and qualify them following your criteria.

How many appointments can I expect per month?

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This varies on the size of your target market and thereby how many emails we can send per month. The average we are seeing is between 20-50+ new appointments per month.

How much do your services cost?
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Most of our fee is based on performance, meaning we make money when you make (a lot more) money. Because our services are tailored to every client, we can give you exact quote and implementation timeline after having a no-commitment call.

How quickly can i expect results?
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The time from launch until you close the first deals varies on your industry, deal size and average sales cycle. We guarantee appointments with relevant people, not instant deals.

However, our clients tend to see positive replies and appointments within just 2-3 weeks of onboarding with us.

Where do you get the prospects information?
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Our teams utilize a range of tools for lead research that offer reliable information in a lawful manner. They also seek out lead emails from open sources, ensuring these are verified and rigorously cross-checked afterwards.

Does this risk our domain?
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No, We won’t be using your main domain to utilize our outreach strategies when it comes to Email.

Does your outreach strategy harm our brand image?
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No, If anything, credibility and awareness actually gets increased significantly.

Why What if we get too many sales meetings?
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Initially, you have the freedom to decide the number of sales meetings you wish to attend monthly. If you exceed the meetings agreed upon in your original contract, we'll offer you a favorable deal for those additional meetings.

Otherwise, we'll postpone the excess meetings and reschedule them for the following month, keeping within the terms of our contract.

Whose name are you using while outreaching prospects?
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We establish trust with prospects by utilizing the names of your top sales reps and your company branding to maintain consistent communication throughout the process. The trust is reinforced when the sales rep's name remains unchanged throughout the entire engagement